"Inside the Wall" serves as a continuation of Jafari's previous show, pushing the boundaries of her conceptual practice to new dimensions, layers, and corners. The aesthetics of this collection are formed through the skillful combination of various subjects within a single artwork, sparking a specific dialogue within each frame. The primary goal was to create a three-dimensional picture by intertwining and collating two-dimensional shapes with one another. Nature, in its purest form, is significantly present and plays a pivotal role in the creation of these artworks.
Diverse techniques were employed to bring this collection to life, and each technique served as a means to study its inherent possibilities. The collages within this collection blend different organic worlds, unified to form a new cohesive realm of materials.
The concept of crafting three-dimensional worlds is also reflected in the frames that hold the artworks. Taking inspiration from the internal structures of the earth, these frames embody the notion of depth and exploration within the confines of a two-dimensional space. The collection "Inside the Wall" represents Jafari's relentless pursuit of artistic innovation and her compelling ability to merge the natural world with abstract artistic expression.